Welcome to Running Horse Ranch Digital Tips and Techniques

I am an independent Creative Memories consultant and I have so much exciting information to share!

Monday, January 23, 2012

last post

Hi everyone, it's been so long, (almost a year!), since I posted anything to this blog. Instead, I have created a Facebook page called "My Creative Memories Page". I've been using that because I can reach so many more people. Also, I have training videos, freebies, tips and techniques to share. Plus, when CM comes up with spontaneous sales, I post them there! Check it out and "like" my page to keep up to date with all that is going on with Creative Memories. Thanks! Chris

Saturday, April 9, 2011

stay in touch!

Although my blogs may not be timely, please stay tuned for new techniques! I'll try to stay current with my posts, please be patient! Thanks!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Embossed Overlays

A very simple technique to use and give your pages some added texture! Check it out under my Tips and Techniques!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Double Header

Check out the newest layout from the pixies! Take your photo and spread it over 2 pages! Simple to do, yet can be very dramatic with the right picture.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Groovy Background!

I was so inspired by my students in the class yesterday, that I had to post this technique that we learned. So very simple, yet very dramatic! I am hoping to scheduled another techniques class in February, so watch for the e-mail!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

White on White

It's a new year and I promise to give you more techniques and tips! See my page on White on White for a new twist.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


If you haven't downloaded the blueprints you want from www.pixels2pages.net, you have only a few days left! After Dec 31st, they will not be able to share blueprints anymore :( So, head on over there and see what's there. I've downloaded them all because you never know when you'll need just the right one! Remember, too that there are great webinars and videos tips to answer all your questions about Storybook Creator Plus 3.0 and Memory Manager!